Monday, March 5, 2007

Jamie's first balloon

Originally uploaded by urbaindk.

I'm trying something new today. I'm posting straight from Flickr. Flickr's just another file hosting service and it seems to have some cool features. Well, like directly linking to the blog for instance.

Anyhow. We had a good weekend here. Saturday was Jamie's first social event. Our friends Ginger and Mark threw a birthday party for their daughter Ellie, who just turned one. Jamie had a great time just looking around at all the cool stuff (people mostly). He was enthralled with the balloons so we gave him one to play with. He almost immediately figured out that it was attached to his hand and would violently shake the hand he was holding it in just to see it move all while giggling and cooing. It's really the first thing we've seen him take an active interest in actually playing with. Pretty cool.

Sunday we went for a hike and he stayed awake for a good portion of it. That's new too. And then to Target. He loved Target. We've discovered that he loves the color red and everything in Target is red so he was in heaven.

You know, the simplest things amuse babies and new parents. Ha Ha!

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